Thursday, June 7, 2007

Genesis c.6

v.18, But I will establish my covenant with you and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons.

Chapter 6 is the beginning of the story of the flood. God saw the corruption of humanity and God deemed it in his sovereign will to put an end to it. He instructed Noah to build an ark that would save his family and the animals chosen to enter the ark.

I am asking myself, and maybe in the process God also, why would he destroy humanity for their corruption. The destruction is God’s will and this is already done, but what is the message of the destruction? It’s impossible to understand divine decisions.

But maybe this story is not about destruction but it's all about salvation. Maybe this is a story of how God separate his people, the people who walked with Him, and save them, like what happened to Noah and his family. Maybe this is the story of Israel, the story of Christ and the story of the saved who received their salvation through their covenant with Christ.

This story points to Christ. This story is prophetic of Christ’s redemption.

This is a story of redemption.

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