Friday, June 22, 2007

Genesis c. 22

When they came to the place which God had told him about, Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. He tied up his son and placed him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he picked up the knife to kill him. Gen 22:9-10

It was faith that made Abraham offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice when God put Abraham to the test. Abraham was the one to whom God had made the promise, yet he was ready to offer his only son as a sacrifice. Heb 11:17

And the scripture came true that said, "Abraham believed God, and because of his faith God accepted him as righteous." And so Abraham was called God's friend. Jam 2:23

But, how about Isaac? What about his faith?

I remember a Sunday school discussion we had about Abraham. One of the members of the class said that Isaac trusted Abraham. Isaac had faith in Abraham that as his father he will not allow any harm to come to Isaac. So Isaac has faith in his father that no harm will come to him and Abraham has faith enough in God to trust his son, even his death, to God knowing that God giveth and God taketh. Will I do what Abraham has done? Listen to a voice telling to sacrifice our children in the name of God?

I will never be able to understand and experience Abraham’s faith. That’s why Abraham’s faith is the standard of faith.

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