Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Leviticus 21

Lev 21:16 The LORD commanded Moses
Lev 21:17 to tell Aaron, "None of your descendants who has any physical defects may present the food offering to me. This applies for all time to come.
Lev 21:18 No man with any physical defects may make the offering: no one who is blind, lame, disfigured, or deformed;
Lev 21:19 no one with a crippled hand or foot;
Lev 21:20 no one who is a hunchback or a dwarf; no one with any eye or skin disease; and no eunuch.
Lev 21:21 No descendant of Aaron the priest who has any physical defects may present the food offering to me.
Lev 21:22 Such a man may eat the food offered to me, both the holy food offering and the very holy food offering,
Lev 21:23 but because he has a physical defect, he shall not come near the sacred curtain or approach the altar. He must not profane these holy things, because I am the LORD and I make them holy."
Lev 21:24 This, then, is what Moses said to Aaron, the sons of Aaron, and to all the people of Israel.

Wow! Reading this made me wonder about God and his demands for perfection and holiness. What is God telling me? It seems that God is so obsessed with perfection that no one can enter his temple at all!

Reading the Old Testament is a challenge. I am trying to read the Bible again without any commentaries and it’s proving to be difficult especially with passages like these.

I am thankful that we have the perfect sacrifice that will erase all our defects before God.

Eph 5:2 Your life must be controlled by love, just as Christ loved us and gave his life for us as a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice that pleases God.

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