Thursday, August 9, 2007

Leviticus 11-20

Lev 11:44 I am the LORD your God, and you must keep yourselves holy, because I am holy.
Lev 11:45 I am the LORD who brought you out of Egypt so that I could be your God. You must be holy, because I am holy.
Lev 11:46 This, then, is the law about animals and birds, about everything that lives in the water, and everything that moves on the ground.
Lev 11:47 You must be careful to distinguish between what is ritually clean and unclean, between animals that may be eaten and those that may not.

I saw a TV evangelist expounding this chapter of Leviticus. He showed data proving the health benefits of eating this animal and that. He also showed data on why eating this kind of animal is harmful. The preacher was attempting to justify these regulations through scientific data. But I think he missed the point of all these regulations. Though trying to back these regulations with hard science to prove its validity and divinity is a noble endeavor, unfortunately these things are secondary considerations in the study of these dietary laws because what they are all about is obedience.

The Lord is guiding his chosen people to maturity.

Another thing is science is continually changing. It contradicts itself, revises itself and sometimes it is simply wrong. This makes it doubtful, even inappropriate to use science to justify immutable divine truths contained in the Bible. For thousand of years science has evolved but the Bible and its message remained as it was and will be.

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