Sunday, July 1, 2007

Genesis 31

Gen 31:44 I am ready to make an agreement with you. Let us make a pile of stones to remind us of our agreement."
Gen 31:49 Laban also said, "May the LORD keep an eye on us while we are separated from each other." So the place was also named Mizpah.

This is the way the people in the early Old Testament settle differences, they separate and make covenant of peace making God as their witness from Abraham and Abimilech to Isaach and Abimilech and now between Jacob and Laban. They separate in peace with the promise and the assumption that each will keep his part of the bargain, or the oath breaker will have God to reckon with for his infidelity.

There is a lesson in all these. When conflicts arises where there’s no solution, separation in peace is a valid option and can be a blessing too.

Don’t use the name of God in vain, like in a promise that in the first place is not meant to be kept.

Gen 31:51 Here are the rocks that I have piled up between us, and here is the memorial stone.

This practice of erecting a memorial is good. I am thinking of practicing this in our church. I am teaching the Sunday school teachers and in our sharing time they have a lot of ideas and proposal for Sunday school projects and trainings etc. The problem is the people in my church tend to forget things. So one day I’ll just tell them to erect a stone in the sanctuary for every project proposed and after each project is accomplished, the stones will be removed from the sanctuary. Hmmmm… I don’t know but…the sanctuary may end up looking like Stonehenge. People in my church are good Christians they just have to be nudged into action once in a while.

I have to erect more memorials for God has been faithful to me and my family.

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