Saturday, July 21, 2007

Exodus 14

Exo 14:13 Moses answered, "Don't be afraid! Stand your ground, and you will see what the LORD will do to save you today; you will never see these Egyptians again.
Exo 14:14 The LORD will fight for you, and all you have to do is keep still."

The exodus had already begun and Moses has led the Israelites out of Egypt and they camped in the desert. The pharaoh hardened his heart, just as the Lord told Moses, and he pursued the Israelites. The Israelites, upon seeing Pharaoh’s troop, became restless and told Moses, “It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert.”

Moses must have been a very patient man. As the leader and the pastor of the Israelites, people who have been enslaved by the Egyptians for hundreds of years, he faced the great challenge of leading a weakened people out of Egypt and out of bondage. When the going got tough and the great challenges came, the Israelites looked back and longed for the “comfort” of their former condition. They would rather have been a slave who knows that they will always be a slave than freemen with a promise of a land of their own. The Israelites faith in the Lord wavers every now and then and despite this, God still loved them and is still faithful to them.

Why is it that I can’t keep still? Whenever I have no money, I can’t keep still and I always looked back to the time when I was having fun, when I can do things that I can’t do now…etc.

God why is it that bad people have money? Why is it that politician have a lot of money? Why is it that I’m angry because I have no money? Why?

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

God I’m sorry that I sometimes forget that you’re blessing is not measured in money in good living, in an easy life. I always forget that the only measure of your blessings that we do not deserve is the blood of Christ, and that alone should be enough to grant peace in my heart. Help me be still and know that you are God, help me be still and be focused on You and your work, I pray that Your vision for my life will be my vision and not the vision of my old, sometimes creeping back, old nature. Help me God, help me God.


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