Friday, September 7, 2007

Leviticus 27

Lev 27:9 If you promise to sacrifice an animal to me, it becomes holy, and there is no way you can set it free.
Lev 27:10 If you try to substitute any other animal, no matter how good, for the one you promised, they will both become holy and must be sacrificed.

We have this church practice of offering our children to the Lord. It’s a reminder that to us that our children came from God and that they belong to God. We offer them to God so that God will bless them; so that they can be a blessing to God too through service and worship when they become of age. But sometimes, when the time comes that the church needs them, most parents, I for one too, thinks that life in the ministry is a "suicide" that the parents’ attitude become something like this: let others do it. Life in the ministry has become a fear. Why do I say this? Because I too think that life in the ministry is something to be feared because of my childhood’s first hand experience as a pastor's kid.

All my siblings are also involved in the ministry as pastor, missionaries and teachers.

This is the reason and I can’t blame parents in for not having that Abrahamic faith because I too am the same, I fear the minsitry too. But God’s grace is sufficient and everyday faith is added on and on…

Leviticus is all about rules. The book is all about the Israelites exclusion from the profane, from the worldly as a sign of election by God. God’s demand is for obedience, or else, be cut off from the people of God.

God also gave these assurances:

Lev 26:3 Faithfully obey my laws,
Lev 26:4 and I will send rain to make your crops grow and your trees produce fruit.
Lev 26:5 Your harvest of grain and grapes will be so abundant, that you won't know what to do with it all. You will eat and be satisfied, and you will live in safety.
Lev 26:6 I will bless your country with peace, and you will rest without fear. I will wipe out the dangerous animals and protect you from enemy attacks.
Lev 26:7 You will chase and destroy your enemies,
Lev 26:8 even if there are only five of you and a hundred of them, or only a hundred of you and ten thousand of them.
Lev 26:9 I will treat you with such kindness that your nation will grow strong, and I will also keep my promises to you.
Lev 26:10 Your barns will overflow with grain each year.
Lev 26:11 I will live among you and never again look on you with disgust.

Lev 26:12 I will walk with you--I will be your God, and you will be my people.

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