Friday, November 16, 2007

Deutoronomy 1

The LORD your God will lead you, and he will fight for you, just as you saw him do in Egypt and in the desert. You saw how he brought you safely all the way to this place, just as a father would carry his son.' But in spite of what I said, you still would not trust the LORD, even though he always went ahead of you to find a place for you to camp. To show you the way, he went in front of you in a pillar of fire by night and in a pillar of cloud by day. Deu 1:30 -33

Lord, forgive me for my faithlessness
For sometimes doubting your will
Like the Israelites,
I sometimes question you, Oh Lord

Forgive me Lord for doubting
That you will not give burden that I cannot carry
That it is you who will fight for me
And it is you who will find a camp for me
When I grew tired and weary

Forgive me Lord for doubting you
For doubting your guidance
For doubting that in times of troubles
You are my pillar of fire that will guide me at night
At day, You are my pillar of cloud
That will hide me from my enemies

Forgive me Lord, forgive me
For doubting that you are the Sovereign Lord
The Lord of my life.

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